
class convokit.model.utterance.Utterance(owner=None, id: Optional[str] = None, speaker: Optional[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker] = None, conversation_id: Optional[str] = None, reply_to: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[int] = None, text: str = '', meta: Optional[Dict] = None)

Represents a single utterance in the dataset.

  • id – the unique id of the utterance.

  • speaker – the speaker giving the utterance.

  • conversation_id – the id of the root utterance of the conversation.

  • reply_to – id of the utterance this was a reply to.

  • timestamp – timestamp of the utterance. Can be any comparable type.

  • text – text of the utterance.

  • id – the unique id of the utterance.

  • speaker – the speaker giving the utterance.

  • conversation_id – the id of the root utterance of the conversation.

  • reply_to – id of the utterance this was a reply to.

  • timestamp – timestamp of the utterance.

  • text – text of the utterance.

  • meta – A dictionary-like view object providing read-write access to utterance-level metadata.

add_meta(key: str, value) → None

Adds a key-value pair to the metadata of the corpus object :param key: name of metadata attribute :param value: value of metadata attribute :return: None

add_vector(vector_name: str)

Logs in the Corpus component object’s internal vectors list that the component object has a vector row associated with it in the vector matrix named vector_name. Transformers that add vectors to the Corpus should use this to update the relevant component objects during the transform() step. :param vector_name: name of vector matrix :return: None

delete_vector(vector_name: str)

Delete a vector associated with this Corpus component object. :param vector_name: :return: None


Get the Conversation (identified by Utterance.conversation_id) this Utterance belongs to


a Conversation object


Get the Speaker that made this Utterance.


a Speaker object

get_vector(vector_name: str, as_dataframe: bool = False, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Get the vector stored as vector_name for this object. :param vector_name: name of vector :param as_dataframe: whether to return the vector as a dataframe (True) or in its raw array form (False). False

by default.


columns – optional list of named columns of the vector to include. All columns returned otherwise. This parameter is only used if as_dataframe is set to True


a numpy / scipy array

retrieve_meta(key: str)

Retrieves a value stored under the key of the metadata of corpus object :param key: name of metadata attribute :return: value