The Forecaster class provides a generic interface to conversational forecasting models, a class of models designed to computationally capture the trajectory of conversations in order to predict future events. Though individual conversational forecasting models can get quite complex, the Forecaster API abstracts away the implementation details into a standard fit-transform interface.
For end users of Forecaster: see the demo notebook which uses Forecaster to fine-tune the CRAFT forecasting model on the CGA-CMV corpus
For developers of conversational forecasting models: Forecaster also represents a common framework for conversational forecasting that you can use, in conjunction with other ML/NLP ecosystems like PyTorch and Huggingface, to streamline the development of your models! You can create your conversational forecasting model as a subclass of ForecasterModel, which can then be directly “plugged in” to the Forecaster wrapper which will provide a standard fit-transform interface to your model. At runtime, Forecaster will feed a temporally-ordered stream of conversational data to your ForecasterModel in the form of “context tuples”. Context tuples are generated in chronological order, simulating the notion that the model is following the conversation as it develops in real time and generating a new prediction every time a new utterance appears (e.g., in a social media setting, every time a new comment is posted). Each context tuple, in turn, is defined as a NamedTuple with the following fields:
: a chronological list of Utterances up to and including the most recent Utterance at the time this context was generated. Beyond the chronological ordering, no structure of any kind is imposed on the Utterances, so developers of conversational forecasting models are free to perform any structuring of their own that they desire (so yes, if you want, you can build conversational graphs on top of the provided context!)current_utterance
: the most recent utterance at the time this context tuple was generated. In the vast majority of cases, this will be identical to the last utterance in the context, except in cases where that utterance might have gotten filtered out of the context by the preprocessor (in those cases, current_utterance still reflects the “missing” most recent utterance, in order to provide a reference point for where we currently are in the conversation)future_context
: during training only (i.e., in the fit function), the context tuple also includes this additional field that lists all future Utterances; that is, all Utterances chronologically after the current utterance (or an empty list if this Utterance is the last one). This is meant only to help with data preprocessing and selection during training; for example, CRAFT trains only on the last context in each conversation, so we need to look at future_context to know whether we are at the end of the conversation. It should not be used as input to the model, as that would be “cheating” - in fact, to enforce this, future_context is not available during evaluation (i.e. in the transform function) so that any model that improperly made use of future_context would crash during evaluation!conversation_id
: the Conversation that this context-reply pair came from. ForecasterModel also has access to Forecaster’s labeler function and can use that together with the conversation_id to look up the label
Illustrative example, a conversation containing utterances [a, b, c, d]
(in temporal order) will produce the following four context tuples, in this exact order:
#. (context=[a], current_utterance=a, future_context=[b,c,d])
#. (context=[a,b], current_utterance=b, future_context=[c,d])
#. (context=[a,b,c], current_utterance=c, future_context=[d])
#. (context=[a,b,c,d], current_utterance=d, future_context=[])
(context, current_utterance, future_context, conversation_id)¶ -
¶ Alias for field number 0
¶ Alias for field number 3
¶ Alias for field number 1
¶ Alias for field number 2
(forecaster_model: convokit.forecaster.forecasterModel.ForecasterModel, labeler: Union[Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], int], str], context_preprocessor: Optional[Callable[[List[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance]], List[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance]]] = None, forecast_attribute_name: str = 'forecast', forecast_prob_attribute_name: str = 'forecast_prob')¶ A wrapper class that provides a consistent, Transformer-style interface to any conversational forecasting model. From a user perspective, this makes it easy to apply forecasting models to ConvoKit corpora and evaluate them without having to know a lot about the inner workings of conversational forecasting, and to swap between different kinds of models without having to change a lot of code. From a developer perspective, this provides a prebuilt foundation upon which new conversational forecasting models can be easily developed, as the Forecaster class handles to complicated work of iterating over conversational contexts in temporal fashion, allowing the developer to focus only on writing the code to handle each conversational context.
- Parameters
forecaster_model – An instance of a ForecasterModel subclass that implements the conversational forecasting model you want to use. ConvoKit provides CRAFT and BERT implementations.
labeler – A function that specifies where/how to find the label for any given conversation. Alternatively, a string can be provided, in which case it will be interpreted as the name of a Conversation metadata field containing the label.
context_preprocessor – An optional function that allows simple preprocessing of conversational contexts. Note that this should NOT be used to perform any restructuring or feature engineering on the data (that work is considered the exclusive purview of the underlying ForecasterModel); instead, it is intended to perform simple Corpus-specific data cleaning steps (i.e., removing utterances that lack key metadata required by the model)
forecast_attribute_name – metadata feature name to use in annotation for forecast result, default: “forecast”
forecast_prob_attribute_name – metadata feature name to use in annotation for forecast result probability, default: “forecast_prob”
(corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, context_selector: Callable[[convokit.forecaster.forecaster.ContextTuple], bool] = <function Forecaster.<lambda>>, val_context_selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.forecaster.forecaster.ContextTuple], bool]] = None)¶ Wrapper method for training the underlying conversational forecasting model. Forecaster itself does not implement any actual training logic. Instead, it handles the job of selecting and iterating over context tuples. The resulting iterator is presented as a parameter to the fit method of the underlying model, which can process the tuples however it sees fit. Within each tuple, context is unstructured - it contains all utterances temporally preceding the most recent utterance, plus that most recent utterance itself, but does not impose any particular structure beyond that, allowing each conversational forecasting model to decide how it wants to define “context”.
- Parameters
corpus – The Corpus containing the data to train on
context_selector – A function that takes in a context tuple and returns a boolean indicator of whether it should be included in training data. This can be used to both select data based on splits (i.e. keep only those in the “train” split) and to specify special behavior of what contexts are looked at in training (i.e. in CRAFT where only the last context, directly preceding the toxic comment, is used in training).
val_context_selector – An optional function that mirrors context_selector but is used to create a separate held-out validation set
- Returns
fitted Forecaster Transformer
(corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, context_selector: Callable[[convokit.forecaster.forecaster.ContextTuple], bool] = <function Forecaster.<lambda>>) → convokit.model.corpus.Corpus¶ Convenience method for running fit and transform on the same data
- Parameters
corpus – the Corpus containing the data to run on
context_selector – A function that takes in a context tuple and returns a boolean indicator of whether it should be included. Excluded contexts will simply not have a forecast.
- Returns
annotated Corpus
(corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, selector: Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], bool] = <function Forecaster.<lambda>>)¶ Compute and display conversation-level performance metrics over a Corpus that has already been annotated by transform
- Parameters
corpus – the Corpus containing the forecasts to evaluate
selector – A filtering function to limit the conversations the metrics are computed over. Note that unlike the context_selectors used in fit and transform, this selector operates on conversations (since evaluation is conversation-level).
(corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, context_selector: Callable[[convokit.forecaster.forecaster.ContextTuple], bool] = <function Forecaster.<lambda>>) → convokit.model.corpus.Corpus¶ Wrapper method for applying the underlying conversational forecasting model to make forecasts over the Conversations in a given Corpus. Like the fit method, this simply acts to create an iterator over context tuples to be transformed, and forwards the iterator to the underlying conversational forecasting model to do the actual forecasting.
- Parameters
corpus – the Corpus containing the data to run on
context_selector – A function that takes in a context tuple and returns a boolean indicator of whether it should be included. Excluded contexts will simply not have a forecast.
- Returns
annotated Corpus
¶ An abstract class defining an interface that Forecaster can call into to invoke a conversational forecasting algorithm. The “contract” between Forecaster and ForecasterModel means that ForecasterModel can expect to receive conversational data in a consistent format, defined above.
(contexts, val_contexts=None)¶ Train this conversational forecasting model on the given data
- Parameters
contexts – an iterator over context tuples
val_contexts – an optional second iterator over context tuples to be used as a separate held-out validation set. Concrete ForecasterModel implementations may choose to ignore this, or conversely even enforce its presence.
(contexts, forecast_attribute_name, forecast_prob_attribute_name)¶ Apply this trained conversational forecasting model to the given data, and return its forecasts in the form of a DataFrame indexed by (current) utterance ID
- Parameters
contexts – an iterator over context tuples
- Returns
a Pandas DataFrame, with one row for each context, indexed by the ID of that context’s current utterance. Contains two columns, one with raw probabilities named according to forecast_prob_attribute_name, and one with discretized (binary) forecasts named according to forecast_attribute_name. Subclass implementations of ForecasterModel MUST adhere to this return value specification!