
class convokit.model.corpus.Corpus(filename: Optional[str] = None, utterances: Optional[List[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance]] = None, db_collection_prefix: Optional[str] = None, db_host: Optional[str] = None, preload_vectors: List[str] = None, utterance_start_index: int = None, utterance_end_index: int = None, merge_lines: bool = False, exclude_utterance_meta: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_conversation_meta: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_speaker_meta: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_overall_meta: Optional[List[str]] = None, disable_type_check=True, backend: Optional[str] = None, backend_mapper: Optional[convokit.model.backendMapper.BackendMapper] = None)

Represents a dataset, which can be loaded from a folder or constructed from a list of utterances.

  • filename – Path to a folder containing a Corpus or to an utterances.jsonl / utterances.json file to load

  • utterances – list of utterances to initialize Corpus from

  • db_collection_prefix – if a db backend is used, this determines how the database will be named. If not specified, a random name will be used.

  • db_host – if specified, and a db backend is used, connect to the database at this URL. If not specified, will default to the db_host in the ConvoKit global configuration file.

  • preload_vectors – list of names of vectors to be preloaded from directory; by default, no vectors are loaded but can be loaded any time after corpus initialization (i.e. vectors are lazy-loaded).

  • utterance_start_index – if loading from directory and the corpus folder contains utterances.jsonl, specify the line number (zero-indexed) to begin parsing utterances from

  • utterance_end_index – if loading from directory and the corpus folder contains utterances.jsonl, specify the line number (zero-indexed) of the last utterance to be parsed.

  • merge_lines – whether to merge adjacent lines from same speaker if multiple consecutive utterances belong to the same conversation.

  • exclude_utterance_meta – utterance metadata to be ignored

  • exclude_conversation_meta – conversation metadata to be ignored

  • exclude_speaker_meta – speaker metadata to be ignored

  • exclude_overall_meta – overall metadata to be ignored

  • disable_type_check – whether to do type checking when loading the Corpus from a directory. Type-checking ensures that the ConvoKitIndex is initialized correctly. However, it may be unnecessary if the index.json is already accurate and disabling it will allow for a faster corpus load. This parameter is set to True by default, i.e. type-checking is not carried out.

  • backend – specify the backend type, either “mem” or “db”, default to “mem”.

  • backend_mapper – (advanced usage only) if provided, use this as the BackendMapper instance instead of initializing a new one.

  • meta_index – index of Corpus metadata

  • vectors – the vectors stored in the Corpus

  • corpus_dirpath – path to the directory the corpus was loaded from

add_utterances(utterances=typing.List[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance], warnings: bool = False, with_checks=True)

Add utterances to the Corpus.

If the corpus has utterances that share an id with an utterance in the input utterance list,

Optional warnings will be printed: - if the utterances with same id do not share the same data (added utterance is ignored) - added utterances’ metadata have the same key but different values (added utterance’s metadata will overwrite)

  • utterances – Utterances to be added to the Corpus

  • warnings – set to True for warnings to be printed

  • with_checks – set to True if checks on utterance and metadata overlaps are desired. Set to False if newly added utterances are guaranteed to be new and share the same set of metadata keys.


a Corpus with the utterances from this Corpus and the input utterances combined

append_vector_matrix(matrix: convokit.model.convoKitMatrix.ConvoKitMatrix)

Adds an already constructed ConvoKitMatrix to the Corpus.


matrix – a ConvoKitMatrix object



delete_metadata(obj_type: str, attribute: str)

Delete a specified metadata attribute from all Corpus components of the specified object type.

Note that cancelling this method before it runs to completion may lead to errors in the Corpus.

  • obj_type – ‘utterance’, ‘conversation’, ‘speaker’

  • attribute – name of metadata attribute




Deletes the vector matrix stored under name.


name – name of the vector mtrix



directed_pairwise_exchanges(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker, convokit.model.speaker.Speaker], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>, speaker_ids_only: bool = False) → Dict[Tuple, List[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance]]

Get all directed pairwise exchanges in the dataset.

  • selector – optional function that takes in a speaking speaker and a replied-to speaker and returns True to include the pair in the result, or False otherwise.

  • speaker_ids_only (bool) – if True, index conversations by speaker ids rather than Speaker objects.


Dictionary mapping (speaker, target) tuples to a list of utterances given by the speaker in reply to the target.

dump(name: str, base_path: Optional[str] = None, exclude_vectors: List[str] = None, force_version: int = None, overwrite_existing_corpus: bool = False, fields_to_skip=None) → None

Dumps the corpus and its metadata to disk. Optionally, set force_version to a desired integer version number, otherwise the version number is automatically incremented.

  • name – name of corpus

  • base_path – base directory to save corpus in (None to save to a default directory)

  • exclude_vectors – list of names of vector matrices to exclude from the dumping step. By default; all vector matrices that belong to the Corpus (whether loaded or not) are dumped.

  • force_version – version number to set for the dumped corpus

  • overwrite_existing_corpus – if True, save to the path you loaded the corpus from, overriding the original corpus.

  • fields_to_skip – a dictionary of {object type: list of metadata attributes to omit when writing to disk}. object types can be one of “speaker”, “utterance”, “conversation”, “corpus”.

dump_info(obj_type, fields, dir_name=None)

writes attributes of objects in a corpus to disk. This function, along with load_info, supports cases where a particular attribute is to be stored separately from the other corpus files, for organization or efficiency. These attributes will not be read when the corpus is initialized; rather, they can be loaded on-demand using this function.

For each attribute with name <NAME>, will write to a file called info.<NAME>.jsonl, where rows are json-serialized dictionaries structured as {“id”: id of object, “value”: value of attribute}.

  • obj_type – type of object the attribute is associated with. can be one of “utterance”, “speaker”, “conversation”.

  • fields – a list of names of attributes to write to disk.

  • dir_name – the directory to write attributes to. by default, or if set to None, will read from the directory that the Corpus was loaded from.



filter_conversations_by(selector: Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], bool])

Mutate the corpus by filtering for a subset of Conversations within the Corpus.


selector – function for selecting which Conversations to keep


the mutated Corpus

static filter_utterances(source_corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, selector: Callable[[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance], bool])

Returns a new corpus that includes only a subset of Utterances from the source Corpus. This filtering provides no guarantees with regard to maintaining conversational integrity and should be used with care.

Vectors are not preserved. The source corpus will be invalidated and will no longer be usable.

  • source_corpus – the Corpus to subset from

  • selector – function for selecting which


a new Corpus with a subset of the Utterances

static from_pandas(utterances_df: pandas.DataFrame, speakers_df: Optional[pandas.DataFrame] = None, conversations_df: Optional[pandas.DataFrame] = None) → convokit.model.corpus.Corpus

Generates a Corpus from utterances, speakers, and conversations dataframes. For each dataframe, if the ‘id’ column is absent, the dataframe index will be used as the id. Metadata should be denoted with a ‘meta.<key>’ column in the dataframe. For example, if an utterance is to have a metadata key ‘score’, then the ‘meta.score’ column must be present in dataframe.

speakers_df and conversations_df are optional, as their IDs can be inferred from utterances_df, and so their main purpose is to hold speaker / conversation metadata. They should only be included if there exists metadata for the speakers / conversations respectively.

Metadata values that are not basic Python data structures (i.e. lists, dicts, tuples) may be included in the dataframes but may lead to unexpected behavior, depending on how pandas serializes / deserializes those values. Note that as metadata can be added to the Corpus after it is constructed, there is no need to include all metadata keys in the dataframe if it would be inconvenient.

  • utterances_df – utterances data in a pandas Dataframe, all primary data fields expected, with metadata optional

  • speakers_df – (optional) speakers data in a pandas Dataframe

  • conversations_df – (optional) conversations data in a pandas Dataframe


Corpus constructed from the dataframe(s)

get_attribute_table(obj_type, attrs)

returns a DataFrame, indexed by the IDs of objects of obj_type, containing attributes of these objects.

  • obj_type – the type of object to get attributes for. can be ‘utterance’, ‘speaker’ or ‘conversation’.

  • attrs – a list of names of attributes to get.


a Pandas DataFrame of attributes.

get_conversation(convo_id: str) → convokit.model.conversation.Conversation

Gets Conversation of the specified id from the corpus


convo_id – id of Conversation



get_conversation_ids(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → List[str]

Get a list of ids of Conversations in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Conversations that should be included


selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Conversation and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Conversations in the Corpus.


list of Conversation ids

get_conversations_dataframe(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>, exclude_meta: bool = False)

Get a DataFrame of the conversations with fields and metadata attributes, with an optional selector that filters for conversations that should be included. Edits to the DataFrame do not change the corpus in any way.

  • exclude_meta – whether to exclude metadata

  • selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Conversation and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Conversations in the Corpus.


a pandas DataFrame

get_full_attribute_table(speaker_convo_attrs, speaker_attrs=None, convo_attrs=None, speaker_suffix='__speaker', convo_suffix='__convo')

Returns a table where each row lists a (speaker, convo) level aggregate for each attribute in attrs, along with speaker-level and conversation-level attributes; by default these attributes are suffixed with ‘__speaker’ and ‘__convo’ respectively.

  • speaker_convo_attrs – list of (speaker, convo) attribute names

  • speaker_attrs – list of speaker attribute names

  • convo_attrs – list of conversation attribute names

  • speaker_suffix – suffix to append to names of speaker-level attributes

  • convo_suffix – suffix to append to names of conversation-level attributes.


DataFrame containing all attributes.

get_object(obj_type: str, oid: str)

General Corpus object getter. Gets Speaker / Utterance / Conversation of specified id from the Corpus

  • obj_type – “speaker”, “utterance”, or “conversation”

  • oid – object id


Corpus object of specified object type with specified object id

get_object_ids(obj_type: str, selector: Callable[[Union[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker, convokit.model.utterance.Utterance, convokit.model.conversation.Conversation]], bool] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>)

Get a list of ids of Corpus objects of the specified type in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for objects that should be included

  • obj_type – “speaker”, “utterance”, or “conversation”

  • selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Corpus object and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all objects of the specified type in the Corpus.


list of Corpus object ids

get_speaker(speaker_id: str) → convokit.model.speaker.Speaker

Gets Speaker of the specified id from the corpus


speaker_id – id of Speaker




Returns a table where each row lists a (speaker, convo) level aggregate for each attribute in attrs.


attrs – list of (speaker, convo) attribute names


DataFrame containing all speaker,convo attributes.

get_speaker_convo_info(speaker_id, convo_id, key=None)

retreives speaker-conversation attribute key for speaker_id in conversation convo_id.

  • speaker_id – speaker

  • convo_id – conversation

  • key – name of attribute. if None, will return all attributes for that speaker-conversation.


attribute value

get_speaker_ids(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → List[str]

Get a list of ids of Speakers in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Speakers that should be included


selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Speaker and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Speakers in the Corpus.


list of Speaker ids

get_speakers_dataframe(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>, exclude_meta: bool = False)

Get a DataFrame of the Speakers with fields and metadata attributes, with an optional selector that filters Speakers that should be included. Edits to the DataFrame do not change the corpus in any way.

  • exclude_meta – whether to exclude metadata

  • selector – selector: a (lambda) function that takes a Speaker and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Speakers in the Corpus.


a pandas DataFrame

get_utterance(utt_id: str) → convokit.model.utterance.Utterance

Gets Utterance of the specified id from the corpus


utt_id – id of Utterance



get_utterance_ids(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → List[str]

Get a list of ids of Utterances in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Utterances that should be included


selector – a (lambda) function that takes an Utterance and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Utterances in the Corpus.


list of Utterance ids

get_utterances_dataframe(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>, exclude_meta: bool = False)

Get a DataFrame of the utterances with fields and metadata attributes, with an optional selector that filters utterances that should be included. Edits to the DataFrame do not change the corpus in any way.

  • exclude_meta – whether to exclude metadata

  • selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Utterance and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Utterances in the Corpus.


a pandas DataFrame


Gets the ConvoKitMatrix stored in the corpus as name. Returns None if no such matrix exists.


name – name of the vector matrix


a ConvoKitMatrix object

get_vectors(name, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, as_dataframe: bool = False)

Get the vectors for some corpus component objects.

  • name – name of the vector matrix

  • ids – optional list of object ids to get vectors for; all by default

  • columns – optional list of named columns of the vector to include; all by default

  • as_dataframe – whether to return the vector as a dataframe (True) or in its raw array form (False). False by default.


a vector matrix (either np.ndarray or csr_matrix) or a pandas dataframe

has_conversation(convo_id: str) → bool

Checks if a Conversation of the specified id exists in the Corpus


convo_id – id of Conversation


True if Conversation of specified id is present, False otherwise

has_speaker(speaker_id: str) → bool

Checks if a Speaker of the specified id exists in the Corpus


speaker_id – id of Speaker


True if Speaker of specified id is present, False otherwise

has_utterance(utt_id: str) → bool

Checks if an Utterance of the specified id exists in the Corpus


utt_id – id of Utterance


True if Utterance of specified id is present, False otherwise

iter_conversations(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → Generator[convokit.model.conversation.Conversation, None, None]

Get conversations in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Conversations that should be included


selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Conversation and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Conversations in the Corpus.


a generator of Conversations

iter_objs(obj_type: str, selector: Callable[[Union[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker, convokit.model.utterance.Utterance, convokit.model.conversation.Conversation]], bool] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>)

Get Corpus objects of specified type from the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Corpus object that should be included

  • obj_type – “speaker”, “utterance”, or “conversation”

  • selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Corpus object and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all objects of the specified type in the Corpus.


a generator of Speakers

iter_speakers(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → Generator[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker, None, None]

Get Speakers in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Speakers that should be included


selector – a (lambda) function that takes a Speaker and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Speakers in the Corpus.


a generator of Speakers

iter_utterances(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>) → Generator[convokit.model.utterance.Utterance, None, None]

Get utterances in the Corpus, with an optional selector that filters for Utterances that should be included.


selector – a (lambda) function that takes an Utterance and returns True or False (i.e. include / exclude). By default, the selector includes all Utterances in the Corpus.


a generator of Utterances

load_info(obj_type, fields=None, dir_name=None)

loads attributes of objects in a corpus from disk. This function, along with dump_info, supports cases where a particular attribute is to be stored separately from the other corpus files, for organization or efficiency. These attributes will not be read when the corpus is initialized; rather, they can be loaded on-demand using this function.

For each attribute with name <NAME>, will read from a file called info.<NAME>.jsonl, and load each attribute value into the respective object’s .meta field.

  • obj_type – type of object the attribute is associated with. can be one of “utterance”, “speaker”, “conversation”.

  • fields – a list of names of attributes to load. if empty, will load all attributes stored in the specified directory dir_name.

  • dir_name – the directory to read attributes from. by default, or if set to None, will read from the directory that the Corpus was loaded from.



static merge(primary: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, secondary: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, warnings: bool = True)

Merges two corpora (one primary and one secondary), creating a new Corpus with their combined data.

Utterances with the same id must share the same data. In case of conflicts, the primary Corpus will take precedence and the conflicting Utterance from secondary will be ignored. A warning is printed when this happens.

If metadata of the primary Corpus (or its conversations / utterances) shares a key with the metadata of the secondary Corpus, the secondary’s metadata (or its conversations / utterances) values will be used. A warning is printed when this happens.

Will invalidate primary and secondary in the process.

The resulting Corpus will inherit the primary Corpus’s id and version number.

  • primary – the primary Corpus

  • secondary – the secondary Corpus

  • warnings – print warnings when data conflicts are encountered


new Corpus constructed from combined lists of utterances

For each speaker, pre-computes a list of all of their utterances, organized by the conversation they participated in. Annotates speaker with the following:
  • n_convos: number of conversations

  • start_time: time of first utterance, across all conversations

  • conversations: a dictionary keyed by conversation id, where entries consist of:
    • idx: the index of the conversation, in terms of the time of the first utterance contributed by that particular speaker (i.e., idx=0 means this is the first conversation the speaker ever participated in)

    • n_utterances: the number of utterances the speaker contributed in the conversation

    • start_time: the timestamp of the speaker’s first utterance in the conversation

    • utterance_ids: a list of ids of utterances contributed by the speaker, ordered by timestamp.

In case timestamps are not provided with utterances, the present behavior is to sort just by utterance id.


utterance_filter – function that returns True for an utterance that counts towards a speaker having participated in that conversation. (e.g., one could filter out conversations where the speaker contributed less than k words per utterance)

print_summary_stats() → None

Helper function for printing the number of Speakers, Utterances, and Conversations in this Corpus



random_conversation() → convokit.model.conversation.Conversation

Get a random Conversation from the Corpus


a random Conversation

random_speaker() → convokit.model.speaker.Speaker

Get a random Speaker from the Corpus


a random Speaker

random_utterance() → convokit.model.utterance.Utterance

Get a random Utterance from the Corpus


a random Utterance

classmethod reconnect_to_db(db_collection_prefix: str, db_host: Optional[str] = None)

Factory method for a Corpus instance backed by an already-existing database (e.g., one that was created in a previous run of a Python script or interactive session).

This can be used to reconnect to existing Corpus data that you still want to use without having to reload the data from the source file; this can happen for example if your script crashed in the middle of working with the Corpus and you want to resume where you left off.

static reindex_conversations(source_corpus: convokit.model.corpus.Corpus, new_convo_roots: List[str], preserve_corpus_meta: bool = True, preserve_convo_meta: bool = True, verbose=True) → convokit.model.corpus.Corpus

Generates a new Corpus from source Corpus with specified list of utterance ids to use as conversation ids.

The subtrees denoted by these utterance ids should be distinct and should not overlap, otherwise there may be unexpected behavior.

Vectors are not preserved. The source Corpus will be invalidated and no longer usable.

  • source_corpus – the Corpus containing the original data to select from

  • new_convo_roots – List of utterance ids to use as conversation ids

  • preserve_corpus_meta – set as True to copy original Corpus metadata to new Corpus

  • preserve_convo_meta – set as True to copy original Conversation metadata to new Conversation metadata (For each new conversation, use the metadata of the conversation that the utterance belonged to.)

  • verbose – whether to print a warning when


new Corpus with reindexed Conversations


Reinitialize the Corpus Index from scratch.


None (sets the .meta_index of Corpus and of the corpus component objects)

set_speaker_convo_info(speaker_id, convo_id, key, value)

assigns speaker-conversation attribute key with value to speaker speaker_id in conversation convo_id.

  • speaker_id – speaker

  • convo_id – conversation

  • key – name of attribute

  • value – value of attribute



set_vector_matrix(name: str, matrix, ids: List[str] = None, columns: List[str] = None)

Adds a vector matrix to the Corpus, where the matrix is an array of vector representations of some set of Corpus components (i.e. Utterances, Conversations, Speakers).

A ConvoKitMatrix object is initialized from the arguments and stored in the Corpus.

  • name – descriptive name for the matrix

  • matrix – numpy or scipy array matrix

  • ids – optional list of Corpus component object ids, where each id corresponds to each row of the matrix

  • columns – optional list of names for the columns of the matrix



speaking_pairs(selector: Optional[Callable[[convokit.model.speaker.Speaker, convokit.model.speaker.Speaker], bool]] = <function Corpus.<lambda>>, speaker_ids_only: bool = False) → Set[Tuple[str, str]]

Get all directed speaking pairs (a, b) of speakers such that a replies to b at least once in the dataset.

  • selector – optional function that takes in a Speaker and a replied-to Speaker and returns True to include the pair in the result, or False otherwise.

  • speaker_ids_only (bool) – if True, return just pairs of speaker names rather than speaker objects.


Set containing all speaking pairs selected by the selector function, or all speaking pairs in the dataset if no selector function was used.

update_speakers_data() → None

Updates the conversation and utterance lists of every Speaker in the Corpus

