
class convokit.text_processing.textToArcs.TextToArcs(output_field, input_field='parsed', use_start=True, root_only=False, follow_deps=('conj', ), filter_fn=<function _use_text>, input_filter=<function TextToArcs.<lambda>>, verbosity=0)

Transformer that outputs a collection of arcs in the dependency parses of each sentence of an utterance. The returned collection is a list where each element corresponds to a sentence in the utterance. Each sentence is represented in terms of its arcs, in a space-separated string.

Each arc, in turn, can be read as follows:

  • x_y means that x is the parent and y is the child token (e.g., agree_does = agree –> does)

  • x_* means that x is a token with at least one descendant, which we do not resolve (this is analogous to bigrams backing off to unigrams)

  • x>y means that x and y are the first two tokens in the sentence

  • x>* means that x is the first token in the sentence.

  • output_field – name of attribute to write arcs to.

  • input_field – name of field to use as input. defaults to ‘parsed’, which stores dependency parses as returned by the TextParser transformer; otherwise expects similarly-formatted input.

  • use_start – whether to also return the first and first two tokens of the sentence. defaults to True.

  • root_only – whether to return only the arcs from the root of the dependency parse. defaults to False.

  • follow_deps – if root_only is set to True, will nonetheless examine subtrees coming out of a dependency listed in follow_deps; by default will follow ‘conj’ dependencies (hence examining the parts of a sentence following conjunctions like “and”).

  • filter_fn – a boolean function determining which tokens to use. arcs will only be included if filter_fn returns True for all tokens in the arc. the function is of signature filter_fn(token, sent) where tokens and sents are formatted according to the output of TextParser. by default, will use tokens which only contain alphabet letters, or only contain letters after the first character (allowing for contractions like you ‘re): i.e.: tok[‘tok’].isalpha() or tok[‘tok’][1:].isalpha().

  • input_filter – a boolean function of signature input_filter(utterance, aux_input). parses will only be computed for utterances where input_filter returns True. By default, will always return True, meaning that arcs will be computed for all utterances.

  • verbosity – frequency of status messages.

convokit.text_processing.textToArcs.get_arcs_per_message(message, use_start=True, root_only=False, follow_deps=('conj', ), filter_fn=<function _use_text>)

Stand-alone function that returns the arcs of parsed text.

  • message – parse to extract arcs from

  • use_start – whether to also return the first and first two tokens of the sentence. defaults to True.

  • root_only – whether to return only the arcs from the root of the dependency parse. defaults to False.

  • follow_deps – if root_only is set to True, will nonetheless examine subtrees coming out of a dependency listed in follow_deps; by default will follow ‘conj’ dependencies (hence examining the parts of a sentence following conjunctions like “and”).

  • filter_fn – a boolean function determining which tokens to use. arcs will only be included if filter_fn returns True for all tokens in the arc. the function is of signature filter_fn(token, sent) where tokens and sents are formatted according to the output of TextParser. by default, will use tokens which only contain alphabet letters, or only contain letters after the first character (allowing for contractions like you ‘re): i.e.: tok[‘tok’].isalpha() or tok[‘tok’][1:].isalpha().


a list where each element corresponds to a sentence in the input message. Each sentence is represented in terms of its arcs, in a space-separated string.