Setting Up MongoDB For ConvoKit =============================== `The MongoDB Documentation `_ provides a complete guide on installing and running a MongoDB server. Here, we provide a simplified guide to getting MongoDB setup to use with ConvoKit's DB Backend, in a handful of settings. Running MongoDB with Conda -------------------------- 0. Install conda if needed, following `these instructions `_ for your system. 1. (Optional) Create a new environment where you want to install mongodb: :: $ conda create --name my_env 2. Activate your newly created environment, or an existing environment where you want to install mongodb: :: $ conda activate my_env 3. Install the mongodb package. :: $ conda install mongodb Check to see if version is at least 5.0. :: $ mongod --version If not, utilize: :: $ conda install -c conda-forge mongodb=5.0 4. Start the MongoDB server as a daemon process. :: $ mongod --fork --logpath --dbpath 5. Use the MongoDB server for ConvoKit! 6. To stop the MongoDB server, on Linux or MacOS, use the ``htop`` command to find the mongod process ID and run: :: $ kill 6. Alternitivly, to stop the MongoDB server on Linux, run :: $ mongod --shutdown Sometimes, the above process doesn't work for MacOS. However, there is another solution for MacOS users below. Running MongoDB on MacOS with Homebrew -------------------------------------- 0. If needed install Homebrew `here `_. 1. Use Homebrew to install MongoDB. :: $ brew tap mongodb/brew $ brew install mongodb-community@5.0 2. Start MongoDB. :: $ brew services start mongodb-community@5.0 3. Use the MongoDB server for ConvoKit! 4. To stop the MongoDB server, run :: $ brew services stop mongodb-community@5.0 Using MongoDB Atlas: A remote MongoDB server in the cloud --------------------------------------------------------- MongoDB offers a cloud service version of their database, called MongoDB Atlas. Atlas provides a free tier that is a good option for starting out with ConvoKit remote DB backend, and several paid tiers that provide production level performance. Follow these instructions, based on `the instructions for getting started with Atlas provided by the MongoDB team `_, to setup a MongoDB server in the cloud for use with ConvoKit. 0. Register a new MongoDB Atlas account here:, and log into the Atlas UI. 1. Create a new MongoDB cluster and a database user within the Atlas UI. 2. Add your IP address to the set of approved IP addresses that can connect to cluster, and setup a DB user, within the Atlas UI (as suggested in the "Setup connection security" tab). 3. In the "Choose a connection method" tab, select "Connect your Application" and choose Python as your driver. Then, copy the outputted URI, which should look something like ``mongodb+srv://`` 4. Paste the aforementioned URI into ~/.convokit/config.yml in the db_host field. Then, replace and with the credentials you setup in step 1, and replace ``myFirstDatabase`` with ``convokit``. 5. Use the remote MongoDB server for ConvoKit!